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Technical Isopropyl Alcohol

NSN: 6810-00-753-4993 | Model: TT-I-735
NSN Properties and Flags
NATO Stock Number
Physical Form
Quantity Within Each Unit Package
8.000 ounces, fluid
Special Handling Feature
Distillation Temp
81.3 degrees celsius initial boiling point and 83.0 degrees celsius dry
Specific Gravity Value
Between 0.7862 and 0.7870
Nondefinitive Specification/std Data
A grade

Inventory Check

The last inventory check on this NSN was done on 03/28/2023. Due to rapid changes in inventory this may not be the current stock qty.

  • New: 159
  • New Surplus: 1

Pricing and Availability

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Certified Quality Assurance  Quality check icon

  •   ISO 9001:2015 + AS9120B
  •   Counterfeit Parts Prevention
  •   100% Product Inspections
  •   7 Year Record Retention
  •   On Time Delivery
  •   HAZMAT Certified
  •   Worldwide Shipping

NSN 6810-00-753-4993 Datasheet

Supply Class (FSC):
Cross Reference:
  • TT-I-735
  • 2200200
  • TT-I-735
  • 2200200
  • TT-I-735
  • 2200200
  • TT-I-735
  • 2200200
  • TT-I-735
  • 2200200
  • TT-I-735
  • 2200200
  • TT-I-735
  • 2200200
  • TT-I-735
  • 2200200
  • TT-I-735
  • 2200200
Cage Codes:
  • Federal Specifications (CAGE 81348)
  • International Business Machines Corp (CAGE 89264)
  • 6810-00-753-4993 replaces 6810-01-015-4402
Schedule B & Trade:
  • Schedule B: 2905120050 (NAICS 325199)


  • SITC: 51212

    Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol)

  • End Use: 12540



Y - Indicates information is in the hazardous materials information resource system (hmirs).


A - Item does not contain precious metal.


- The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.

Freight Information:
  • NMFC:

    042690 - Alcohol amyl etc

  • WCC:

    635 - Chemicals, other than drugs or sundries

  • SHC:

    9 - Other or no special handling required (sh)

  • ADC:

    A - Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.

  • ACC:

    C - Chemical corps items and all other chemicals not covered in other classificatons. note: when an item has a chemical proper shipp

  • TCC:

    R - Flammable liquids, un class 3 (flammable liquids label)

  • LTL:

    W - Rating variable

NSN Management Codes:
  • SOS
  • AAC
  • Quantity per pack
  • Unit of Measure
  • Shelf Life
    48 mo.
  • Classification Control
  • Repariability
    This is a nonreparable item. if condemned or economically unserviceable, then dispose at the level authorized replace the item.

Questions & Answers:

What are the historical prices recorded for this stock number?
Historical data shows pricing from $9.48 to $15.80..
Does NSN 6810-00-753-4993 have a shelf life?
No. There is no shelf life applicable for this NSN.
What NATO entities are users of this NSN?
Department Of The Army, Department Of The Air Force, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, U.s. Marine Corps, Department Of The Navy, U.s. Coast Guard, Austria, Poland, Brazil, Spain, Singapore, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Germany, Republic Of Korea, United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Nato Maintenance and Supply Agency
What is the NIIN of NSN 6810-00-753-4993?
007534993 or 00-753-4993
Does NSN 6810-00-753-4993 require demilitarization?
Yes - ITAR Controlled
What is the most recent solicitation for NSN 6810-00-753-4993?
No solicitations for this NSN.
When was this national stock number assigned to the federal catalog?
Jan 01, 1960

Material Safety



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: inhalation, irritation of the nose &
throat. Higher concentrations may cause headaches, vomiting, coma.

even higher concentrations may cause coma & death. Eyes: irritation,
corneal burns. Skin: dryness possible dermatitis. Engestion: large
amounts cause headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps,
unconsciousness, death.

explanation of carcinogenicity: manufacturer gave no comments other than
the reference to the three listings.

effects of overexposure: prolonged exposure to high concentrations may
cause severe or fatal cns depression.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: pre-existing skin disorders, eye
problems or impaired respiratory function may be susceptible.

First Aid

First aid: eye: flush w/water 15 min, hold lids open. Skin: remove
contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. Wash with soap &
water. Inhaled: remove to fresh air. Restore/aid breathing as
needed. Ingested: imm ediately give 2 large glasses of milk orwater
and induce vomiting. (nothing by mouth if unconscious.) prevent
aspiration. Get immediate medical care.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
nrc/state lic num: none
boiling pt: =82.8c, 181.F
melt/freeze pt: =-88.3c, -127.F
vapor pres: 33 deg.C?!
vapor density: 2.07
spec gravity: 0.79
evaporation rate & reference: 3 (butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: 100%
appearance and odor: medicinal alcoholic odor


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizers, aluminum, acetaldehyde, chlorine, ethylene oxide,
hypochlorus acid, aldehydes.

stability condition to avoid: heat, sparks, and open flames
hazardous decomposition products: may liberate carbon monoxide or carbon

conditions to avoid polymerization: will not occur

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: consult appropriate federal, state & local
regulatory agencies to ascertain proper disposal procedures.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
fraction by wt: 99%
osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Ld50 lc50 mixture: ld50 oral rat=5840 mg/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: overexposure may lead to
central nervous system depression, leading to headaches and
dizziness. Eye: may lead to irritation and will injure eye tissue
if not removed promptly. Skin: may lead to dermatitis. Ingestion:
may lead to vomiting. Chronic: prolonged skin contact may cause
dermatitis.Isopr. Damages fetus.

explanation of carcinogenicity: this chemical is not listed as having
any evidence of being carcinogenic.

effects of overexposure: overexposure may lead to dizziness, headaches,
dermatitis and eye irritation. High vapor concentrations are
anesthetic and may have other central nervous system effects.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: persons with skin, heart,
respiratory, or any other medical condition should use caution when
handling or using this product.

First Aid

First aid: skin: immediately flush with soap and water. Get medical
attention if necessary. Inhalation: immediately remove victium to
fresh air. Give cpr if breathing is stopped. Get medical attention.

eye: imme diately flush with water for 15 minutes.Get medical
attention. Ingestion: get prompt medical attention. Do not induce
vomiting. Keep at rest.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.8c, 181.F
melt/freeze pt: =-88.3c, -127.F
vapor pres: 33
vapor density: 2.07
spec gravity: 0.79
evaporation rate & reference: 3 (butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear,colorless liquid.Medicinal alcohol odor.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizing agents
stability condition to avoid: high temperatures, sparks, open flames
hazardous decomposition products: carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose of all waste in accordance with local,
state and federal regulations. Incineration is recommended.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
> wt: 95.

osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: eyes: irritation;skin: dryness,cracking
skin;inhalation: irritation of nose &
throat,drowsiness,dizziness,headache;ingestion: gastro-intestinal

explanation of carcinogenicity: isopropyl alcohol manufacture (strong
acid process) is human carcinogen.

effects of overexposure: see health hazards.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: none noted.

First Aid

First aid: eyes/skin: immediately flush with water for 15 minutes.Remove
contaminated clothing.If irritation persists,see
doctor;inhalation: remove to fresh air.Give cpr/oxygen if
needed;ingestion: seek medical att ention immediately.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =80.C, 176.F
melt/freeze pt: =-89.C, -128.2f
vapor pres: 34
vapor density: >1
spec gravity: 0.8
evaporation rate & reference:
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: colorless liquid with an odor of rubbing alcohol
percent volatiles by volume: 100


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizers.

stability condition to avoid: heat,sparks,open flames
hazardous decomposition products: co,co*2,incompletely burned
hydrocarbon products.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose of iaw federal,state & local

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
fraction by wt: 99.9%+
osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192

ingred name: water (obtained from specs tt-i-735a)
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: 0.1%/max



Effects of overexposure: irritates respiratory

First Aid

First aid: eyes & skin-flush with water.Ingestion-gastric lavage(stomach
wash) followed by saline catharsis.Inhalation-remove to fresh
air.Give artificial respiration if breathing has stopped

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.2c, 180.F
vapor pres: 33
vapor density: 2.07
spec gravity: 0.8
evaporation rate & reference: fast
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear,colorless liquid
percent volatiles by volume: 100


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
stability condition to avoid: fire & sparks

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: place absorbed material in dot containers
suitable for shipment to disposal area
disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
= wt: 100.

osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Effects of overexposure: eyes: severely irritating,injure eye
tissue.Skin: irritat & dermatitis.Inhal: headache,dizziness anesth

First Aid

First aid: inhale: remove to fresh air, give cpr/o*2 if
need;eyes/skin: flush w lg amts h*2o for 15 min;ingest: rinse mouth;
get medical attention for eyes, breathing difficulty, or other
symptoms of overexposure.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.2c, 180.F
vapor pres: 68
vapor density: 2.0
spec gravity: 0.79
evaporation rate & reference: 2.4 (n-bu acetat=1
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear,colorless liquid with an alcohol odor


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
caustics,amines,alkanoamines,aldehydes,ammonia st.Oxidizers.

stability condition to avoid: none known
hazardous decomposition products: none specified by the mfr.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: consult local authorities.Disposal must be in
accordance with local,state and federals regulations.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
fraction by wt: 100%
osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: see signs and symptoms.

effects of overexposure: inhalation- headache, nasal and respiratory
irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, possible
unconsciousness, and even asphyxiation. Ingestion- can cause
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and gast rointestinal irritation. Eyes-
liquid orvapor may cause irritation, blurred vision, and redness.

skin- dermatitis.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: none specified by manufacturer.

First Aid

First aid: ingestion- if conscious, give water. Call a physician or
chemtrec (poison control) immediately. Induce vomiting only if
advised by physician or chemtrec (poison contol). Inhalation-
immediately move v ictim to fresh air. If victim has stopped
breathing, give artificial respiration. Get medical attention. Eyes
or skin- immediately flush affected area with plenty of cool water.

get medical attention.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.2c, 180.F
melt/freeze pt: =-113.9c, -173.F
vapor pres: 33 mm hg
vapor density: 2.0
spec gravity: 0.784
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear and colorless.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
oxidizing agents.

stability condition to avoid: high temperatures and open flames.

hazardous decomposition products: smoke, fumes or hazardous
decomposition products.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: all recovered material should be packaged,
labeled, transported and disposed of, or reclaimed in conformance
with applicable laws and regulations and in conformance with good
engineering practices.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
fraction by wt: 100%
other rec limits: none recommended
osha pel: 400 ppm
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9394



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute-eyes: irritant. Burning.

skin: irritation. Inhalation: irritation of the nose and throat.

ingestion: irritation of the digestive tract. Signs of central
nervous system depression. Chronic-eyes: burni ng. Skin: irritation
and burning. Inhalation: irritation. Ingestion: nervous system

explanation of carcinogenicity: not considered to be a carcinogen by
ntp, iarc, or osha.

effects of overexposure: eyes: tearing, redness, and swelling.

skin: redness, burning, and drying and cracking of the skin.

inhalation: drowsiness, dizziness, loss of coordination, and
fatique. Ingestion: vomiting and abdominal p ain.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: skin and lung disorders.

First Aid

First aid: eyes: flush with water for 15 min and seek medical attention.

skin: remove contaminated clothing. Washaffected area thoroughly
with mild soap and water. Inhalation: remove victim to fresh air.

seek immed iate medical attention. Ingestion: seek emergency
medicaol attention. Do not give anything by mouth. Induce vomiting
only if doses of 5 oz or more are taken.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.2c, 180.F
vapor pres: 37
vapor density: 2.1
spec gravity: 0.786
evaporation rate & reference: 1.70(n-butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear, little if any color. Characteristic odor.

percent volatiles by volume: 100


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
corrosive,oxidizing matl;anhydride,isocyanate,organometallic
stability condition to avoid: high temperatures, sparks, open flames or
any other sources of ignition.

hazardous decomposition products: combustion may yield carbon monoxide
and/or carbon dioxide.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: keep in covered drums,pending disposal. Handle &
dispose in full compliance with all applicable
international,federal,state, & local regulations.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
= wt: 100.

osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Ld50 lc50 mixture: ld50 oral rat=5840 mg/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: overexposure may lead to
central nervous system depression, leading to headaches and
dizziness. Eye: may lead to irritation and will injure eye tissue
if not removed promptly. Skin: may lead to dermatitis. Ingestion:
may lead to vomiting. Chronic: prolonged skin contact may cause
dermatitis.Isopr. Damages fetus.

explanation of carcinogenicity: this chemical is not listed as having
any evidence of being carcinogenic.

effects of overexposure: overexposure may lead to dizziness, headaches,
dermatitis and eye irritation. High vapor concentrations are
anesthetic and may have other central nervous system effects.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: persons with skin, heart,
respiratory, or any other medical condition should use caution when
handling or using this product.

First Aid

First aid: skin: immediately flush with soap and water. Get medical
attention if necessary. Inhalation: immediately remove victium to
fresh air. Give cpr if breathing is stopped. Get medical attention.

eye: imme diately flush with water for 15 minutes.Get medical
attention. Ingestion: get prompt medical attention. Do not induce
vomiting. Keep at rest.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.8c, 181.F
melt/freeze pt: =-88.3c, -127.F
vapor pres: 33
vapor density: 2.07
spec gravity: 0.79
evaporation rate & reference: 3 (butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear,colorless liquid.Medicinal alcohol odor.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizing agents
stability condition to avoid: high temperatures, sparks, open flames
hazardous decomposition products: carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose of all waste in accordance with local,
state and federal regulations. Incineration is recommended.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
> wt: 99.

osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Ld50 lc50 mixture: oral ld50 (rat) = 5840 mg/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: overexposure may lead to cns
depression, leading to headaches and dizziness. Eye: may lead to
irritation and will injure eye tissue if not removed promptly.

skin: no health hazard from absorpti on or exposure. Ingestion:
slight healthhazard. Chronic: prolonged exposure can be irriting to
mucous membranes.

explanation of carcinogenicity: this chemical is not listed as having
any evidence of being carcinogenic.

effects of overexposure: overexposure may lead to dizziness, shortness
of breath, headaches, dermatitis and eye irritation. High vapor
concentrations are anesthetic and may have other central nervous
system effects.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: persons with skin, heart,
respiratory, or any other medical condition should use caution when
handling or using this product.

First Aid

First aid: skin: remove contaminated clothing. Wash with soap and water.

get medical attention as required. Inhalation: immediately remove
victium to fresh air. Give oxygen or artificial respiration as
needed. G et prompt medical attention. Eye: immediately flush with
water for 20 minutes with eyelids held open. Get prompt medical
attention. Ingestion: get prompt medical attention. Do not induce

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.2c, 180.F
melt/freeze pt: =-88.3c, -127.F
vapor pres: 33
vapor density: 2.1,air=1
spec gravity: 0.78
evaporation rate & reference: 3 (butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear,colorless liquid.Medicinal alcohol odor.

percent volatiles by volume: apprec


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizing agents
stability condition to avoid: high temperatures, sparks, and open flames
hazardous decomposition products: incomplete combustion my yield carbon
monoxide and other toxic gases

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: land fill solids at permitted sites. Burn
concentrated liquids in systems compatible with water soluble
wastes. Avoid flameouts. Assure emissions comply with applicable
regulations. Dilute aqueous was te may biodegrade. Avoid poisoning

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
= wt: 99.

osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Ld50 lc50 mixture: tlv: 400 ppm
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: eyes-causes eye irritation. Skin-mild
skin irritation. May dry skin. Breathing-nose, throat, respiratory
tract irritation. Low blood pressure and coma.

swallowing-gastrointestinal irritation, impaired coordination,
central nervous system depression, respiratory depression, low
blood pressure, effects on heart rate.

explanation of carcinogenicity: this material cannot be classified with
regard to carcinogenicity, & was not listed a carcinogenic by iarc,
ntp or osha.

effects of overexposure: eyes-stinging, tearing, redness & swelling.

skin-redness, burning, drying & skin burns. Breathing-impaired
coordination, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, fatigue,
nausea, headache, unconsci ousness. Swallowing-nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, headache, coma.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: preexisting skin disorders may be
aggravated by exposure to this material.

First Aid

First aid: skin: remove contaminated clothing. Wash with soap and water.

seek medical attention. Eyes: move away from exposure & into fresh
air. Flush eye with water for 15 min. Seek medical attention.

swallowed : seek medical attention. If conscious/alert, induce
vomiting by giving syrup of ipecac. Do not leave unattended.

breathed: move to fresh air. Seek medical aid. If not breathing
begin cpr/oxygen.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 180f,82c
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: not given
vapor pres: 33
vapor density: 2.07
spec gravity: 0.789
evaporation rate & reference: 7.7 (ethyl ether=1)
solubility in water: not given
appearance and odor: clear liquid, alcohol odor
percent volatiles by volume: 100.0


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents, acids, chlorine,
acetaldehyde, ethyl oxide, isocyanates.

stability condition to avoid: do not use with aluminum equipment at
temperatures above 120 deg f.

hazardous decomposition products: may form: carbon dioxide and carbon
monoxide, etc.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose of in accordance with all local, state
and federal regulations.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
fraction by wt: 99%
osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Ld50 lc50 mixture: oral ld50 (rat) = 6.48 mg/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: inhalation: high concentrations of
vapor may cause central nervous system depression. Vapor causes
irritation of the respiratory tract. Eye: causes irritation.

corneal injury may occur. Skin: may caus e minor irritation.

prolonged or repeated contact may cause defatting. Skin: exposure
to small quantities is not expected to cause adverse health
effects. Widespread or prolonged exposure may result i n the
absorption of harmful amounts of material, particularly in infants,
leading to signs and symptoms as described for swallowing.

explanation of carcinogenicity: this chemical is not listed as having
any evidence of being carcinogenic.

effects of overexposure: nhalation: high concentrations of vapor may
cause weakness, drowsiness, and loss of consciousness. Vapor
causes coughing and chest discomfort. Eye: causes stinging and
discomfort or pain. Skin: may cause itching and possible slight
local redness. Prolonged or repeated contact may cause drying of
the skin. Skin: absorption of harmful amounts of material,
particularly in infants, leads to symptoms as described for
swallowing. Swallowing: may cause dizziness, faintness, drowsiness,
decreased awareness & responsiveness, lack of coordination,
abdominal discomfort, nausea, etc.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: skin contact may aggravate an
existing dermititis.

First Aid

First aid: inhalation: remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration
if not breahing. If breathing is difficult, oxygen may be given by
qualified personnel. Obtain medical attention. Eye: immediately
flush ey es with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses,
if worn. Obtain medical attention. Skin: remove contaminated
clothing. Wash skin with soap and water. If irritation persists or
if contact has been prolonged, obtain medical attention.

swallowing: if partient is fully conscious, give two glasses of
water. Induce vomiting. This should be done only by medical or
experienced first-aid personne l.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.3c, 180.1f
melt/freeze pt: =-89.C, -128.2f
vapor pres: 33
vapor density: 2.1
spec gravity: 0.787
evaporation rate & reference: 2.9 (butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: transparent colorless liquid, slight
ethanol/acetone-like odor
percent volatiles by volume: 100


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizing agent. Halogens. Strong inorganic acids. Aldehydes.

halogen compounds.

hazardous decomposition products: carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: incinerate in a furnace where permitted under
federal, state and local regulations. Dispose in accordance with
all applicable federal, state, provincial, and local environmental
regulations. Empty con tainers should be recycled or disposed of
through an approved waste management facility.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropanol (sara iii) *
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
fraction by wt:
osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel *
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: inhalation- may cause cns depression
and/or narcotic effects. Deep coma has resulted from sponging with
isopropyl alcohol. Eyes- may cause irritation. skin- may cause
irritation and dermatitis, cns depression and/or narcotic effects.

ingestion- may casue cns depression and/or narcotic effects.

effects of overexposure: acute: inhalation- nausea, vomiting, abdominal
pain, confusion and drowsiness. chronic: chronic drunkenness
during vapor exposure.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: may irritate people with skin
problems, asthma, and lung diseases.

First Aid

First aid: ingestion- if patient is conscious and alert induce vomiting
on the advice of physician. If not alert - seek immediate medical
attention. Inhalation- remove from exposure. If breathing is
difficult o r absent, give cardiopulmonary support if necessary.

skin- flush with water. eyes- flush copiously with water for 15

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 177f,80c
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: -123f,-86c
vapor pres: 33 mm hg
spec gravity: 0.786
solubility in water: 100%
appearance and odor: water white, clear, slightly sweet alcohol odor.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizers.

stability condition to avoid: heat, sparks, and open flames.

hazardous decomposition products: none

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: spray into the furnace under approved operating
procedures.Incineration will become easier by mixing with a more
flammable solvent.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
fraction by wt: 91.0%
osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: 9.0%.



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: inhalation: irritation of the nose &
throat. Higher concentrations may cause coma & death.

eyes: irritation, corneal burns. Skin: dryness. Ingestion: large
amounts cause headache, nausea, vomiting, stomac h cramps,
unconsciousness, death. Chronic- dermatitis.

effects of overexposure: irritation of eyes, skin and nose; headache,
nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness, coma and death.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: pre-existing skin disorders, eye
problems or impaired respiratory function may be more susceptible.

First Aid

First aid: skin: remove contaminated clothing. Wash with soap and water.

apply skin cream if defatting of skin occures. Inhalation: remove
to fresh air at once. Resuscitate if breathing stopped. Get medical
atte ntion. Eye: immediately flush with waterfor 15 minutes while
holding eyelids open. Get medical attention. Ingestion: get
immediate medical attention. Do not induce vomiting. Med: give
gastric lavage.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
nrc/state lic num: none
boiling pt: =82.C, 179.6f
b.P. Text: 180f,82c
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: -127f,-88c
vapor pres: 33 deg.C?!
vapor density: 2.1
spec gravity: 0.79
evaporation rate & reference: 2.83 (butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear, colorless liquid, alcoholic odor
percent volatiles by volume: 100


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizers, aluminum, acetaldehyde, chlorine, ethylene oxide,
hypochlorus acid, aldehydes.

stability condition to avoid: heat, sparks, and open flames
hazardous decomposition products: may liberate carbon monoxide or carbon

conditions to avoid polymerization: will not occur

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: consult appropriate federal, state & local
regulatory agencies to ascertain proper disposal procedures.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
fraction by wt: >99%
osha pel: 400 ppm/500 stel
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9192



Ld50 lc50 mixture: oral ld50 (rat) = 5840 mg/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: eyes: may cause irritation. Skin: may
cause irritation. Ingestion: may cause gi tract irritation and cns
depression. Inhalation: may cause respiratory irritation.

explanation of carcinogenicity: there are no ingredients above 0.1%
which are identified as carcinogens by ntp,iarc or osha.

effects of overexposure: ingestion: headache, nausea, vomiting,
dizziness, gi tract irritation, narcosis, unconsciousness.

inhalation: respiratory tract irritation, chest pain, coughing.

eyes: irritation, stinging, excessive redness.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: none specified by manufacturer.

First Aid

First aid: eyes: immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes.

flush under lids by lifting them or rolling eyes. See doctor asap.

skin: flush with water. Remove clothing and continue flushing.

inhalation : remove to fresh air and restore breathing. Get medical
help. Ingestion: do not induce vomiting. Dilute. Get physician.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 180f,82c
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: not given
vapor pres: 33
vapor density: 2.1
spec gravity: .79
evaporation rate & reference: 2.5 (butyl acetate = 1)
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: transparent, colorless liquid, characteristic odor
percent volatiles by volume: 100


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizing agents, aluminum, strong acids, halogens, amines,
ammonia, aldehydes
stability condition to avoid: high heat, open flames and other sources
of ignition
hazardous decomposition products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose of all waste in accordance with local,
state and federal regulations. Incineration is recommended.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol (sara iii)
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
fraction by wt: 99-100%
other rec limits: none recommended
osha pel: 400 ppm
acgih tlv: 400 ppm/500stel;9394



Ld50 lc50 mixture: ld50 oral rat =5045 mg/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
health hazards acute and chronic: inhalation: inhalation of vapors
irritates the respiratory tract. ingestion: can cause drowsiness,
unconsciousness & death. Gastrointestinal pain, cramps, nausea,
vomiting & diarrhea may also result. the single lethal dose for a
human adult=about 250 mls (8 ounces). Skin: may cause irritation.

may be absorbed through the skin with possible systemic effects.

eye: vapors cause eye irritation. Splas hes cause severe
irritation, possible corneal burns & eye damage. Chronic: skin

effects of overexposure: inhalation: irritation of respiratory tract.

exposure to high concentrations has a narcotic effect, producing
symptoms of dizziness, drowsiness, headache, staggering,
unconsciousness & possibly death . Ingestion: can cause drowsiness,
unconsciousness & death. Gastrointestinal pain, cramps, nausea,
vomiting & diarrhea may also result. Skin: may cause irritation
with redness & pain. May be absorbed through the skin with
possible systemic effects. Eye: vapors cause eye irritation.

splashes cause severe irritation, possible corneal burns & eye

medical cond aggravated by exposure: persons with pre-existing skin
disorders or impaired liver, kidney, or pulmonary function may be
more susceptible to the effects of this agent.

First Aid

First aid: inhalation: remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give
artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.

call a physician. Ingestion: give large amounts of water to drink.

never give an ything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical
attention. Skin: immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at
least 15 minutes. Call a physician if irritation develops. Eye:
immediately fl ush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes, lifting eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.C, 179.6f
melt/freeze pt: =-89.C, -128.2f
vapor pres: 44@25c (77f)
vapor density: 2.1
spec gravity: 0.79@20c/4c
ph: no information
evaporation rate & reference: 2.83 (bu ac = 1)
solubility in water: miscible in water
appearance and odor: clear, colorless liquid; rubbing alcohol odor.

percent volatiles by volume: 100


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizers, acetaldehyde, acids, chlorine, ethylene oxide,
hydrogen-palladium combination, hydrogen peroxide-sulfuric acid
combination, potassium tert-butoxide, hypochlorous acid,
isocyanates, nitroform, phosgene, alu
stability condition to avoid: heat and sunlght can contribute to

hazardous decomposition products: carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide may
form when heated to decomposition.

conditions to avoid polymerization: will not occur.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: whatever cannot be saved for recovery or
recycling should be handled as hazardous waste & sent to a rcra
approved incinerator or disposed in a rcra approved waste
facillity. Processing, use or contami nation of this product may
change the waste management options. Disposal must in accordance
with, lo cal, state and federal regulations.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropyl alcohol
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
minumum % wt: 90.

maxumum % wt: 100.

osha pel: 980 mg/m3;400 ppm
acgih tlv: 983 mg/m3;400 ppm
acgih stel: 1230 mg/m3;500 ppm

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
minumum % wt: 0.

maxumum % wt: 10.



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: inhalation: high concentrations
of vapor may cause central nervous system depression, with loss of
consciousness. Vapor causes irritation of respiratory tract. Eye
contact: causes irritation, co rneal injury. Skin contact: may
cause minor irritation. prolonged or repeated contact may cause
defatting and drying of skin. Skin absorption: exposure to small
quantities is not expected to cause ad verse health effects.

prolonged exposure may result in absorption of harmful amounts,
particularly in infants. Swallowing: slightly toxic. May cause
dizziness. Chronic: prolonged or repeated skin expo sure can cause

explanation of carcinogenicity: no evidence suggestive of carcinogenic
activity was noted in chronic vapor inhalation studies with
isopropanol in rats and mice.

effects of overexposure: inhalation: cns depression, weakness,
drowsiness, loss of consciousness, respiratory tract irritation,
coughing, chest discomfort. Eye contact: irritation, stinging,
discomfort, pain, corneal injury. skin contact: irritation,
itching, redness, defatting, drying. Skin absorption: adverse
health effects, same signs as for ingestion. Ingestion: dizziness,
faintness, drowsiness, decreased awareness an d responsiveness,
lack of coordination, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting,

medical cond aggravated by exposure: skin contact may aggravate an
existing dermatitis.

First Aid

First aid: inhalation: move to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if
not breathing. If breathing difficult, give oxygen by qualified
personnel. Get medical attention. Eyes: flush with water, continue
washing for several minutes. Remove contact lenses. Get medical
attention. Skin: remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with soap
and water. If irritation persists or if contact has been prolonged,
get medi cal attention. Swallowing: if patient is fully conscious,
give two glasses of water. Induce vomiting. This should be done
only by medical or experienced first-aid personnel. Get medical

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
boiling pt: =82.3c, 180.1f
melt/freeze pt: =-88.3c, -127.F
vapor pres: 4.4 kpa (33 mmhg)
vapor density: 2.1
spec gravity: 0.787 (h2o=1) 20c/20c
voc pounds/gallon: 785
solubility in water: 100%@ 20c
appearance and odor: transparent colorless liquid, slight
ethanol/acetone-like odor
percent volatiles by volume: 100%


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizing agents. Halogens. Strong inorganic acids. Aldehydes.

halogen compounds.

hazardous decomposition products: carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide.

carbon monoxide is highly toxic if inhaled; carbon dioxide in
sufficient concentrations can act as an asphyxiant.

conditions to avoid polymerization: will not occur.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: incinerate in furnace if permitted under
federal, state, local regulations. Dispose in accordance with
applicable federal, state, provincial, local environmental
regulations. Empty containers should b e recycled or disposed of
through approved waste management facility. Product is
biodegradable in bi ological wastewater treatment plant.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: isopropanol
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
= wt: 100.

osha pel: 980 mg/m3;400 ppm
osha stel: 1225 mg/m3,500 ppm
acgih tlv: 983 mg/m3;400 ppm
acgih stel: 1230 mg/m3;500 ppm



Ld50 lc50 mixture: not provided
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: potential health effects: eye contact:
irritating, and may injure eye tissue if not removed promptly. Skin
contact: frequent or prolonged contact may irritate and cause
dermatitis. Low order of toxici ty. Inhalation: vapor
concentrations above exposure levels are irritating to the eyes and
respiratory tract, may cause headaches and dizziness, are
anesthetic and may have other central nervous system effects.

negligible hazard at ambient temperature. Ingestion: minimal
toxicity. Small amounts of the liquid aspirated into the
respiratory system during ingestion, or from vomiting, may cause
bronchi opneumonia or pulmonary edema.

explanation of carcinogenicity: none
effects of overexposure: eye contact: irritating. Skin contact: frequent
or prolonged contact may irritate and cause dermatitis. Inhalation:
vapor concentrations above exposure levels are irritating to the
eyes and respirator y tract, may cause headaches and dizziness, are

medical cond aggravated by exposure: not provided

First Aid

First aid: eye contact: immediately flush eyes with large amount of
water for at least 15 minutes. Get prompt medical attention. Skin
contact: immediately flush with large amount of water; use soap if
available . Remove contaminated clothing, including shoes, after
flushing has begun. Inhalation: using proper respiratory
protection, immediately remove the affected victim from exposure.

administer artificial respiration if breathing is stopped. Keep at
rest. Call for prompt medical attention. Ingestion: if swallowed,
do not induce vomiting. Keep at rest. Get prompt medical attention.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
nrc/state lic num: not relevant
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 180-181f
melt/freeze pt: =-88.7c, -128.F
decomp temp: decomp text: not provided
vapor pres: 36 @ 212f?
vapor density: >1
spec gravity: 0.79
ph: not provided
viscosity: 2.2 cst @ 68f
evaporation rate & reference: 2.3 (n-butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: 100% @ 68f
appearance and odor: clear colorless liquid
percent volatiles by volume: 100
corrosion rate: not provided


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
caustics, amines, alkanolamines, aldehydes, ammonia, strong oxidizing
agents, and chlorinated compounds.

stability condition to avoid: moderate risk of peroxide formation.

moderate peroxide hazard on storage and concentration. Inhibitor
not been added to mitigate peroxide hazard.

hazardous decomposition products: none

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: consult an expert on disposal of recovered
material and ensure conformity to local disposal regulations.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: 2-propanol
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
= wt: 100.

other rec limits: not provided
osha pel: 980 mg/m3;400 ppm
osha stel: 500 ppm
acgih tlv: 983 mg/m3;400 ppm
acgih stel: 1230 mg/m3;500 ppm



Ld50 lc50 mixture: not provided
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: potential health effects: eye contact:
irritating, and may injure eye tissue if not removed promptly. Skin
contact: frequent or prolonged contact may irritate and cause
dermatitis. Low order of toxici ty. Inhalation: vapor
concentrations above exposure levels are irritating to the eyes and
respiratory tract, may cause headaches and dizziness, are
anesthetic and may have other central nervous system effects.

negligible hazard at ambient temperature. Ingestion: minimal
toxicity. Small amounts of the liquid aspirated into the
respiratory system during ingestion, or from vomiting, may cause
bronchi opneumonia or pulmonary edema.

explanation of carcinogenicity: none
effects of overexposure: eye contact: irritating. Skin contact: frequent
or prolonged contact may irritate and cause dermatitis. Inhalation:
vapor concentrations above exposure levels are irritating to the
eyes and respirator y tract, may cause headaches and dizziness, are

medical cond aggravated by exposure: not provided

First Aid

First aid: eye contact: immediately flush eyes with large amount of
water for at least 15 minutes. Get prompt medical attention. Skin
contact: immediately flush with large amount of water; use soap if
available . Remove contaminated clothing, including shoes, after
flushing has begun. Inhalation: using proper respiratory
protection, immediately remove the affected victim from exposure.

administer artificial respiration if breathing is stopped. Keep at
rest. Call for prompt medical attention. Ingestion: if swallowed,
do not induce vomiting. Keep at rest. Get prompt medical attention.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: f2
nrc/state lic num: not relevant
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 180-181f
melt/freeze pt: =-88.7c, -128.F
decomp temp: decomp text: not provided
vapor pres: 36 @ 77f
vapor density: >1
spec gravity: 0.79
ph: not provided
viscosity: 2.2 cst @ 68f
evaporation rate & reference: 2.3 (n-butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: 100% @ 68f
appearance and odor: clear colorless liquid
percent volatiles by volume: 100
corrosion rate: not provided


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
caustics, amines, alkanolamines, aldehydes, ammonia, strong oxidizing
agents, and chlorinated compounds.

stability condition to avoid: moderate risk of peroxide formation.

moderate peroxide hazard on storage and concentration. Inhibitor
not been added to mitigate peroxide hazard.

hazardous decomposition products: none

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: consult an expert on disposal of recovered
material and ensure conformity to local disposal regulations.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: 2-propanol
cas: 67-63-0
rtecs #: nt8050000
= wt: 100.

other rec limits: not provided
osha pel: 980 mg/m3;400 ppm
osha stel: 500 ppm
acgih tlv: 983 mg/m3;400 ppm
acgih stel: 1230 mg/m3;500 ppm