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Electrolyte Sulfuric Acid

NSN: 6810-00-893-8138 | Model: F801-3
NSN Properties and Flags
NATO Stock Number
Physical Form
Quantity Within Each Unit Package
15.000 gallons
Composition And Percentage
36.5 by weight sulfuric acid and 37.5 by weight sulfuric acid
Special Handling Feature
Specific Gravity Value
Between 1.277 and 1.285
Nondefinitive Specification/std Data
3 class

Pricing and Availability

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  •   ISO 9001:2015 + AS9120B
  •   Counterfeit Parts Prevention
  •   100% Product Inspections
  •   7 Year Record Retention
  •   On Time Delivery
  •   HAZMAT Certified
  •   Worldwide Shipping

NSN 6810-00-893-8138 Datasheet

Supply Class (FSC):
Cross Reference:
  • F801-3
  • 0S801
Cage Codes:
  • Federal Specifications (CAGE 81348)
  • 6810-00-893-8138 replaces 6810-00-174-3220
  • 6810-00-893-8138 replaces 6810-00-264-9065
  • 6810-00-893-8138 replaces 6810-00-656-1290
  • 6810-00-893-8138 replaces 6810-00-882-1676
Schedule B & Trade:
  • Schedule B: 2807000000 (NAICS 325180)

    Sulfuric acid and oleum

  • SITC: 52232

    Sulfuric acid; oleum

  • End Use: 12530



Y - Indicates information is in the hazardous materials information resource system (hmirs).


A - Item does not contain precious metal.


- The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.

Freight Information:
  • NMFC:

    043940 - Chemicals noi

  • WCC:

    450 - Acids, liquid, corrosive

  • SHC:

    9 - Other or no special handling required (sh)

  • ADC:

    A - Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.

  • ACC:

    C - Chemical corps items and all other chemicals not covered in other classificatons. note: when an item has a chemical proper shipp

  • LTL:

    W - Rating variable

  • TCC:

    W - Corrosive materials, un class 8 (corrosive label)

NSN Management Codes:
  • SOS
  • AAC
  • Quantity per pack
  • Unit of Measure
  • Shelf Life
    60 mo.
  • Classification Control
  • Repariability
    This is a nonreparable item. if condemned or economically unserviceable, then dispose at the level authorized replace the item.

Questions & Answers:

What are the historical prices recorded for this stock number?
Historical data shows pricing from $362.84 to $604.73..
Does NSN 6810-00-893-8138 have a shelf life?
No. There is no shelf life applicable for this NSN.
What NATO entities are users of this NSN?
Department Of The Army, Department Of The Air Force, U.s. Marine Corps, Department Of The Navy, U.s. Coast Guard, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Spain, Singapore, and Greece
What is the NIIN of NSN 6810-00-893-8138?
008938138 or 00-893-8138
Does NSN 6810-00-893-8138 require demilitarization?
Yes - ITAR Controlled
What is the most recent solicitation for NSN 6810-00-893-8138?
No solicitations for this NSN.
When was this national stock number assigned to the federal catalog?
Jan 01, 1962

Material Safety



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
effects of overexposure: skin and eyes: severe burns on contact.

inhalation: respiratory irritation.

First Aid

First aid: skin and eyes: flush with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes. Call a doctor. Inhalation: remove person to fresh air. Get
prompt medical attention.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: >212f,>100c
spec gravity: 1.28
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear liquid.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
alkali, alkaline metals, sulfides, cyanides
stability condition to avoid: high temperatures, moisture
hazardous decomposition products: oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide,
hydrogen gas

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: wash with water. Neutralize washings as required
with lime.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37%.

osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: 63%.



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
effects of overexposure: severe burns to skin or eyes. Inhalation of
mist from hot sulfuric acid can be injurious to lungs.

First Aid

First aid: eyes: irrigate with water for at least 15 minutes. Get
immediate medical attention. Skin: wash contaminated areas of body
with water and soap. Get immediate medical attention. Ingestion:
stomach wash. inhalation: oxygen with use of intermittent positive
pressure breathing apparatus.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 625f,329c
spec gravity: 1.285
evaporation rate & reference: < 1 (ether = 1)
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: slightly viscous, clear to cloudy liquid with no


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
carbides, chlorates, fulminates, nitrates, picrates, powdered metals
stability condition to avoid: high heat, moisture
hazardous decomposition products: oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide,
hydrogen gas

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: neutralize acid with large amounts of water,
soda ash, and slaked lime by stirring. Dispose of by storing in
approved containers for corrosive liquids.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37%.

osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: 63%.



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
effects of overexposure: inhalation: injury to mucous membranes. Eyes
and skin: rapidly destructive to body tissue, severe burns.

First Aid

First aid: inhalation: move to fresh air. Flush eyes with plenty of
water. If breathing stops, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult give oxygen. Skin: remove contaminated
clothing and shoes. Wa sh with soap and water. Ingestion: if victim
conscious, have victim drink water or milk. Do not induce vomiting.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 644f,340c
vapor pres: 1
spec gravity: 1.28
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear, colorless to cloudy liquid with no odor.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
many metals, organic materials, carbides, chlorates, fulminates,
nitrates, picrates, powdered metals
stability condition to avoid: high heat, moisture
hazardous decomposition products: oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide,
hydrogen gas

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose of in an approved landfill so as not to
effect the environment. Add slowly to a large amount of solution of
soda ash and slaked lime by stirring. Dispose of into an approved
disposal area.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37%.

osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: 63%.



Ld50 lc50 mixture: oral rat: 2.14 g/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: burns, corrosive to all body
tissues. Respiratory irritation. Chronic: dermatitis, tooth
erosion, coughing.

effects of overexposure: severe burns to skin or eyes. Inhalation of
mist from hot sulfuric acid can be injurious to lungs.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: pre-existing conditions may be

First Aid

First aid: eyes: irrigate with water for at least 15 minutes. Get
immediate medical attention. Skin: wash contaminated areas of body
with soap and water. Get immediate medical attention. Ingestion:
stomach wash. inhalation: oxygen with use of intermittent positive
pressure breathing apparatus.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
spec gravity: 1.281
ph: < 1.0
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: colorless, 0ily liquid with an acid odor.

percent volatiles by volume: < 1.0


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
solvents, oxidizers, combustible materials, organic materials, alkalis,
powdered metals, amines
stability condition to avoid: hig heat, water
hazardous decomposition products: oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide,
hydrogen gas

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: neutralize acid with a large amount of water,
soda ash, and slaked lime by stirring. Dispose of by storing in an
approved storage container for corrosive liquids.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37.0%
osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: balance



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
effects of overexposure: causes severe burns. Is extremely corrosive.

repeated inhalation of mist may inflame lungs.

First Aid

First aid: immediate washing with large amounts of water for at least 15
minutes. Contact physician immediately.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: >300f,>149c
vapor density: 1
spec gravity: 1.28
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: colorless, clear to slightly cloudy, oily liquid
with no odor.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
all metals, all organic substances
stability condition to avoid: high heat, moisture
hazardous decomposition products: oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide,
hydrogen gas

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: neutralize with bicarbonate of soda and dilute
with water. Place in approved container.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37%
osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: 63%



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
effects of overexposure: skin: severe burns, tissue damage. Eyes: burns,
cornea damage, blindness. Ingestion: gastrointestinal tract
perforation, diarrhea.

First Aid

First aid: inhalation: remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give cpr.

if breathing is difficult give oxygen. Eyes: immediately flush with
plenty of water. Skin: wash with soap and water. Remove
contaminated cl othing and shoes. Ingestion: do not induce
vomiting. Nothing by mouth if unconscious. Get medical attention.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 554f,290c
vapor pres: 1.0
vapor density: 3.4
spec gravity: 1.84
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear, colorless to cloudy liquid with no odor.

percent volatiles by volume: 96%


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizing agents, corrosive materials
stability condition to avoid: elevated temperatures, moisture
hazardous decomposition products: hydrogen, oxides of sulfur, hydrogen

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: keep in covered drums pending disposal. Handle
and dispose of in full compliance with all applicable
international, federal, state, and local regulations.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37.0%
osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water; cas #7732-18-5
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt:



Ld50 lc50 mixture: oral ld50 (rat) is unknown.

routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: severe burns to eyes and skin.

inhalation: mist will irritate respiratory tract (lungs, throat)
and possibly lead to complications. Toxic by inhalation. Ingestion:
may cause severe burns to mou th, throat, and stomach. Chronic: may
cause dental erosion.

explanation of carcinogenicity: none
effects of overexposure: severe irritation or burns to eyes, nose, and
throat. Irritation of respiratory tract (lungs, throat). Severe
burns to mouth, throat, and stomach. Dental erosion.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: open wounds and sores. Respiratory
ailments such as emphysemia and bronchitis.

First Aid

First aid: eyes: flush with water for 15 minutes while holding eyelids
open. Get medical attention. Skin: remove contaminated clothing.

flush area with large amounts of water. Get medical attention.

inhalation: move to fresh air. If adverse symptoms develop, get
medical attention. Ingestion: drink large amounts of water. Do not
induce vomiting. Get medical attention.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 535f,279c
vapor pres:
spec gravity: 1.8354
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear to slightly turbid; off white to straw color.

usually odorless.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
alkaline materials, salts of other acids, hydrated materials,
combustible and organic materials.

stability condition to avoid: excessive heat. Addition of water causes
large temperature increase.

hazardous decomposition products: if heated sufficiently, sulfur
dioxide, sulfur trioxide.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose of waste in accordance with local, state
and federal regulations. Waste may qualify as hazardous waste under
rcra. Spilled material may be reportable.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37.1%
other rec limits: none specified
osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9394
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: 62.9%
other rec limits: none specified



Routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
effects of overexposure: severe burns to skin and eyes. Respiratory
irritation on inhalation of vapors/mist.

First Aid

First aid: skin and eyes: flush with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Call a
doctor. Inhalation: remove person to fresh air. Get prompt medical

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 234f,112c
vapor pres: 11
spec gravity: 1.281
evaporation rate & reference: < 1
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear, colorless liquid with no odor.

percent volatiles by volume: 0


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong reducing agents, powdered metals, cyanides, sulfides
stability condition to avoid: high heat, moisture
hazardous decomposition products: sulfur trioxide, sulfur dioxide,
hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen gas

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: flush as indicated. Neutralize washings with
lime or soda ash. Flush to appropriate containment system. Take
care not to get water in sulfuric acid storage tanks as violent
reaction will occur.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37%.

osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: 63%.



Ld50 lc50 mixture: product's ld50 (oral rat) was not stated
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: third degree burns. Severe
respiratory, skin, and eye irritant. Bronchitis, laryngeal and
pulmonary edema may result.

explanation of carcinogenicity: iarc lists a possible link between
sulfuric acid exposure & laryngeal cancer w/insufficient data for

effects of overexposure: prickling or burning sensation of skin and
mucous membranes. Coughing, sneezing, tightness of chest,
difficulty in breathing.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: any pre-existing respiratory
disease, for example emphysema.

First Aid

First aid: see supp data. Get immediate medical attention!! Eye: flush
w/water for 15 min. Skin: wash w/soap & water. Remove contaminated
clothing & launder before reuse. Inhaled: remove from exposure. Aid
or resto re breathing as needed. Ingested: do notinduce vomiting.

give large quantities of milk, milk of magnesia, table oil, eggs or
water to drink. Get immediate medical attention. Rinse mouth often.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
nrc/state lic num: none
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 260f,127c
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: -80f,-62c
vapor pres: < 1
vapor density: 3.4 (air=1
spec gravity: 1.400 (water=1)
ph: < 1
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: clear, colorless liquid.

percent volatiles by volume: unk.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
metals, organics, nitrates, carbides, chlorates, allyl compounds, and
stability condition to avoid: contact with metals, organics.

hazardous decomposition products: sulfur oxides at high temperature.

reacts w/above to form hydrogen cyanide & hydrogen cyanide.

conditions to avoid polymerization: will not occur. avoid all contact
with organic substances and most metals.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: neutralize w/lime or soda ash. Consult
regulations. Epa hazardous waste d002- corrosive & d003-reactive if
discarded w/o prior neutralization.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 34-36%
other rec limits: none specified
osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: 64-66%
other rec limits: none specified



Ld50 lc50 mixture: ld50 (oral rat) is 2140 mg/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: inhalation of vapors causes severe
irritation or burns of the respiratory system, pulmonary edema, or
lung inflammation. Eye contact causes severe damage and possible
blindness. Skin contact causes bu rns and possible deep ulceration.

ingestion causes severe burns to mouth, throat, and stomach.

explanation of carcinogenicity: this chemical is not listed by iarc,
ntp, or osha as a carcinogen.

effects of overexposure: severe irritation or burns to eyes, nose, and
throat. Pulmonary edema, bronical emphysema, conjunctivitis,
stomatitis, dental erosion, nausea, and vomiting.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: persons with a history of ailments
or with a pre-existing disease involving the respiratory tract may
be at increased risk from exposure.

First Aid

First aid: inhalation: get fresh air. Resuscitate if not breathing. Get
medical attention. Eyes: immediately flush with plenty of water for
15 minutes holding eyelids open. Get prompt medical attention.

skin: re move contaminated clothing. Wash with plenty of water for
15 minutes. Get medical advice. Ingestion: do not induce vomiting.

give several glasses of milk or water. Get immediate medical

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 590f,310c
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: -17f,-27c
spec gravity: 1.842
ph: 0.9
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: oily, colorless to slightly yellow, clear to turbid
liquid. Odorless.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
nitro compounds, carbides, dienes, alcohols, oxidizing agents,
chlorates, allyl compounds
stability condition to avoid: temperatures of 300c or higher, moisture
hazardous decomposition products: sulfur trioxide, sulfur dioxide,
hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen gas

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: consult your local environmental officer. Users
are advised to consult with appropriate regulatory agencies before
discharge. Rcra status of unused material, if discarded is epa
hazardous waste, numbe r d0002 (corrosive).

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: varies
other rec limits: none specified
osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs



Ld50 lc50 mixture: oral rat: 2.14 g/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: burns, corrosive to all body
tissues. Respiratory irritation. Chronic: dermatitis, tooth
erosion, coughing.

effects of overexposure: severe burns to skin or eyes. Inhalation of
mist from hot sulfuric acid can be injurious to lungs.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: pre-existing conditions may be

First Aid

First aid: eyes: irrigate with water for at least 15 minutes. Get
immediate medical attention. Skin: wash contaminated areas of body
with soap and water. Get immediate medical attention. Ingestion:
stomach wash. inhalation: oxygen with use of intermittent positive
pressure breathing apparatus.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
spec gravity: 1.281
ph: < 1.0
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: colorless, 0ily liquid with an acid odor.

percent volatiles by volume: < 1.0


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
solvents, oxidizers, combustible materials, organic materials, alkalis,
powdered metals, amines
stability condition to avoid: hig heat, water
hazardous decomposition products: oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide,
hydrogen gas

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: neutralize acid with a large amount of water,
soda ash, and slaked lime by stirring. Dispose of by storing in an
approved storage container for corrosive liquids.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37.0%
osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9192
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: balance



Ld50 lc50 mixture: ld50 (oral rat) is 2140 mg/kg
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: inhalation of vapors may cause
severe irritation or burns of the respiratory system, pulmonary
edema, or lung inflammation. May cause severe burns to skin or
eyes. Blindness may result. Ingesti on may cause severe burns to
mouth, throat, and stomach. May affect kidney function. Chronic:
may damage lungs.

explanation of carcinogenicity: there are no ingredients above 0.1%
which are identified as carcinogens by ntp,iarc or osha.

effects of overexposure: severe irritation or burns to eyes, nose and
throat. Pulmonary edema, bronchial emphysema, conjunctivitis,
stomatitis, dental erosion, nausea and vomiting.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: persons with a history of ailments
or with a pre-existing disease involving the respiratory tract may
be at increased risk from exposure.

First Aid

First aid: skin: remove contaminated clothing;wash with water.Also clean
under fingernails and hair.Eyes: flush with water for 15
minutes.Inhal: remove to fresh air.Give oxygen or artificial
respiration if needed.I ngest: do not induce vomiting.Get
promptqualified medical attention.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 640f,338c
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: 37.0f,2.8c
spec gravity: 1.4-1.8
ph: 2.1
solubility in water: complete
appearance and odor: oily, colorless to slightly yellow, clear to turbid
liquid. Odorless.

percent volatiles by volume: 0-20


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
metals,strong alkali,carbides,chlorides,fulminates,
nitrates,picrates,organic acids,acetates,anhydrides
stability condition to avoid: avoid temperatures greater than 572f

hazardous decomposition products: sulfur trioxide which is toxic,
corrosive and an oxidizer.H*2 gas(explosive) may be evolved from
reaction with metals.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: disposal should be made in accordance with all
applicable federal, state and local environmental regulations. Epa
hazardous waste number, d0002.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: >36.5%
other rec limits: none recommended
osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9394
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs



Ld50 lc50 mixture: tlv: 1.0 mg/m3 as mist
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: contact with liquid or mist can cause
immediate irritation or corrosive burns to all human tissue.

contact with the eyes may result in permanent visual loss unless
removed quickly through irrigation w ith water. Inhalation of
concentrated mist will damage upper respiratory tract and lung

explanation of carcinogenicity: not carcinogenic.

effects of overexposure: swallowing may be fatal. Repeated exposure may
cause chronic bronchitis or inflammation. Repeated skin contact
with dilute solution may cause dermatitis.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: none specified by manufacturer.

First Aid

First aid: eyes-flush immediately with water for at least 15 min.

forcibly hold eyelids apart to for complete irrigation of eyes. Get
immediate medical attention. Skin-flush immediately with water at
least 15 mi n. Remove contaminated clothing. Get medical attention.

ingestion-drink copious amounts of water or milk. Do not induce
vomiting. Get medical attention. Inhalation-remove to fresh air,
perfom cpr.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: c1
boiling pt: b.P. Text: 529f,276c
vapor pres: 0.0018
spec gravity: 1.280
solubility in water: total
appearance and odor: clear waterlike liquid with no odor.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
metals, metal oxides, hydroxides, nitrates, amines, carbonates and
other alkaline metals and water.

stability condition to avoid: may cause generation of hydrogen gas when
in contact with metals. Avoid opne flames or sparks.

hazardous decomposition products: explosive hydrogen gas is generated by
the reaction of acid on most metals and may accumulate in metal

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose of spilled, neutralized, or waste
product, contaminated soil and other contaminated soil and other
contaminated material in licensed landfill or treatment facility in
accordance with all local , provincial and federal regulations.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: sulfuric acid (sara iii)
cas: 7664-93-9
rtecs #: ws5600000
fraction by wt: 37.5%
other rec limits: none recommended
osha pel: 1 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 1 mg/m3; 9394
epa rpt qty: 1000 lbs
dot rpt qty: 1000 lbs

ingred name: water
cas: 7732-18-5
rtecs #: zc0110000
fraction by wt: remain
other rec limits: none recommended