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Worldwide distributor of NSN parts and consumables located in the USA.

Technical Anhydrous Strontium Nitrate

NSN: 6810-01-055-0610 | Model: MIL-S-20322
NSN Properties and Flags
NATO Stock Number
Physical Form
Quantity Within Each Unit Package
150.000 pounds
Sieve Particle Size Gradation Percentage
95.0 passed 149 microns
Test Data Document
81349-mils20322 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures, etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "", etc.).
Nondefinitive Specification/std Data
A grade
Departure From Cited Designator
As differentiated by grade

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Certified Quality Assurance  Quality check icon

  •   ISO 9001:2015 + AS9120B
  •   Counterfeit Parts Prevention
  •   100% Product Inspections
  •   7 Year Record Retention
  •   On Time Delivery
  •   HAZMAT Certified
  •   Worldwide Shipping

NSN 6810-01-055-0610 Datasheet

Supply Class (FSC):
Cross Reference:
  • MIL-S-20322
Cage Codes:
  • Military Specifications (CAGE 81349)
Schedule B & Trade:
  • Schedule B: 2834296150 (NAICS 325180)

    Nitrates, not elsewhere specified or included

  • SITC: 52359

    Nitrates, n.E.S.

  • End Use: 12530



Y - Indicates information is in the hazardous materials information resource system (hmirs).


A - Item does not contain precious metal.


- Represents items with no adp components


- The item does not have a critical feature such as tolerance, fit restrictions or application. nuclear hardness properties have not been determined (not valid for input).

Freight Information:
  • NMFC:

    046740 - Strontium nitrate

  • WCC:

    635 - Chemicals, other than drugs or sundries

  • SHC:

    9 - Other or no special handling required (sh)

  • ADC:

    A - Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.

  • ACC:

    C - Chemical corps items and all other chemicals not covered in other classificatons. note: when an item has a chemical proper shipp

  • LCL:

    Q - 70.0

  • LTL:

    Q - 70.0

  • TCC:

    Y - Oxidizing materials, un class 5 (oxidizer or organic peroxide label)

Questions & Answers:

What are the historical prices recorded for this stock number?
No pre-dated pricing for this NSN could be found.
Does NSN 6810-01-055-0610 have a shelf life?
No. There is no shelf life applicable for this NSN.
What NATO entities are users of this NSN?
No recorded entities for this stock number.
What is the NIIN of NSN 6810-01-055-0610?
010550610 or 01-055-0610
Does NSN 6810-01-055-0610 require demilitarization?
Yes - ITAR Controlled
What is the most recent solicitation for NSN 6810-01-055-0610?
No solicitations for this NSN.
When was this national stock number assigned to the federal catalog?
Jan 31, 1978

Material Safety



Ld50 lc50 mixture: n/k
routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: see signs and symptoms of

explanation of carcinogenicity: none
effects of overexposure: eyes: mild chemical burns to eyes.Skin: slight
irritation.Ingestion/inhalation: slight irritation to mucous

medical cond aggravated by exposure: n/k

First Aid

First aid: eyes: irrigate with running water for 15 minutes.Call
physician.Skin: wash with water.Ingestion: n/k .Inhalation: remove to
fresh air.

Chemical Properties

Boiling pt: b.P. Text: decomposed
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: n/k
decomp temp: decomp text: n/k
vapor pres: negligible
spec gravity: 2.986 (water=1)
solubility in water: appreciable
appearance and odor: white granular,odorless solid.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
can be explosive when mixed with reducing agents.Avoid combustible

stability condition to avoid: avoid flame,heat.Mixtures may detonate by
heat and shock.

hazardous decomposition products: oxides of nitrogen.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: disp must be iaw fed,state,& loc
regs.Coordination w/ supporting installation/macom environmental
coordination prior to disp is rec to determ approp disp meth .Bury
under soil in remote area or flush to sewer w/ large amt of
water.(see supp)
disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: strontium nitrate
cas: 10042-76-9
rtecs #: wk9800000
other rec limits: n/k
osha pel: n/k
acgih tlv: n/k