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Lubricating Oil Corrosion Inhibitor

NSN: 6850-00-362-8575 | Model: LPS3PINT
NSN Properties and Flags
NATO Stock Number
Quantity Within Each Unit Package
1.0 pints
Nontoxic Feature
Not included

Inventory Check

The last inventory check on this NSN was done on 05/13/2020. Due to rapid changes in inventory this may not be the current stock qty.

  • New: 21

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NSN 6850-00-362-8575 Datasheet

Supply Class (FSC):
Miscellaneous Chemical Specialties
Cross Reference:
Cage Codes:
  • Illinois Tool Works Inc. (CAGE 66724)

Y - Indicates information is in the hazardous materials information resource system (hmirs).


A - Item does not contain precious metal.


- The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.

Questions & Answers:

What are the historical prices recorded for this stock number?
No pre-dated pricing for this NSN could be found.
Does NSN 6850-00-362-8575 have a shelf life?
No. There is no shelf life applicable for this NSN.
What NATO entities are users of this NSN?
Federal Aviation Administration, Columbia, Netherlands, and Turkey
What is the NIIN of NSN 6850-00-362-8575?
003628575 or 00-362-8575
Does NSN 6850-00-362-8575 require demilitarization?
Yes - ITAR Controlled
What is the most recent solicitation for NSN 6850-00-362-8575?
No solicitations for this NSN.
When was this national stock number assigned to the federal catalog?
Feb 18, 1974

Material Safety



Ld50 lc50 mixture: none specified by manufacturer.

routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: eyes: irritation. Skin: repeated or
prolonged contact may cause drying or defatting. Inhal: headache,
dizziness, nausea, anesthetic effects. Ingest: low toxicity, but
minute amounts aspirated into lungs m ay cause severe pulmonary

explanation of carcinogenicity: not relevant
effects of overexposure: see health hazards.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: pre-existing eye, skin, respiratory

First Aid

First aid: inhal: move to fresh air & contact md. Administer oxygen if
breathing is difficult. Eyes: flush w/plenty of water for at least
15 minutes & contact md. Skin: wash w/soap & water; apply medicated
skin cre am. Ingest: contains aliphatic hydrocarbons & petroleum
oil. Do not induce vomit. If vomit occurs spont, keep head below
hips to prevent aspiration of liquid into lungs. Contact md

Chemical Properties

Boiling pt: b.P. Text: 315f,157c
vapor pres:
vapor density: 4.8-5.3
spec gravity: 0.830
evaporation rate & reference: 0.12 (butyl acetate=1)
solubility in water: nil
appearance and odor: dark brown liquid; sweet mild odor.

percent volatiles by volume: 75


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizing agents
stability condition to avoid: sparks, open flame.

hazardous decomposition products: thermal decomp may yield carbon

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose i/a/w federal, state & local regulations
for petroleum distillates. Hazardous waste #d001.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: aliphatic hydrocarbon
cas: 64742-88-7
fraction by wt: 70-80%
osha pel: 500 ppm (mfr)
acgih tlv: 100 ppm (mfr)

ingred name: petroleum oil (severely hydro-treated)
cas: 70592-78-8
fraction by wt: 10-15%
other rec limits: 10 mg/m3 stel (mfr)
osha pel: 5mg/m3 oil mist(mfr)
acgih tlv: 5mg/m3 oil mist(mfr)

ingred name: carbon dioxide; (carbon dioxide propellant (aerosol only))
cas: 124-38-9
rtecs #: ff6400000
fraction by wt: 2-3%
osha pel: 5000 ppm
acgih tlv: 5000ppm/30000stel;93

ingred name: dipropylene glycol methyl ether
cas: 34590-94-8
rtecs #: jm1575000
fraction by wt: 2-3%
osha pel: 100 ppm;150 stel, s
acgih tlv: 100 ppm;150 stel, s



Ld50 lc50 mixture: no data provided by manufacturer
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: inhalation: headache, dizziness,
nausea and anesthetic effects. Eyes: irritation. Skin: repeated or
prolonged contact may cause drying and defatting of skin.

ingestion: low order of oral toxicity: however minute amount
aspirated into lungs during ingestion may cause severe pulmonary

explanation of carcinogenicity: no data provided by manufacturer.

effects of overexposure: inhalation: headache, dizziness, nausea and
anesthetic effects. Eyes: irritation. Skin: repeated or prolonged
contact may cause drying and defatting of skin. Ingestion: low order
of oral toxicity: however minute amount aspirated into lungs during
ingestion may cause severe pulmonary injury.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: pre-existing eye,skin and
respiratory disorders may be aggravated.

First Aid

First aid: inhalation: move to fresh air and contact physician.

administer oxygen if breathing is difficult. Eyes: flush eyes with
plenty of water and contact physician. Skin: wash with soap and
water; apply medica ted skin cream. Ingestion: contains aliphatic
hydrocarbons and petroleum oil. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting
occurs spontaneously, keep head below hips to prevent aspiration of
liquid into lungs. Contact physician immediately.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: v3
boiling pt: =157.2c, 315.F
vapor pres: (mmhg) @ 100f
vapor density: 4.8-5.3
spec gravity: (h2o = 1) 0.830
evaporation rate & reference: .12
solubility in water: nil
appearance and odor: dark brown liquid with sweet, mild odor
percent volatiles by volume: 75


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
strong oxidizing agents.

stability condition to avoid: avoid sparks or open flames. Store
aerosols below 120f and above 32f. Store bulk below 150f and above
32f. Store away from ignition sources and avoid breathing vapors.

hazardous decomposition products: thermal decompostion may yield carbon

conditions to avoid polymerization: will not occur.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose of in accordance with local, state and
federal regulations for petroleum distillates.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: aliphatic hydrocarbon
cas: 64742-88-7
minumum % wt: 70.

maxumum % wt: 80.

osha pel: 500 ppm
acgih tlv: 100 ppm

ingred name: petroleum oil (severly hydro-treated)
cas: 64742-52-5
rtecs #: py8035000
minumum % wt: 10.

maxumum % wt: 15.

osha pel: 5 mg/m3
acgih tlv: 5 mg/m3
acgih stel: 10 mg/m3

ingred name: dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether
cas: 34590-94-8
rtecs #: jm1575000
minumum % wt: 2.

maxumum % wt: 3.

osha pel: 100 ppm
acgih tlv: 100 ppm
acgih stel: 150 ppm

ingred name: carbon dioxide
cas: 124-38-9
rtecs #: ff6400000
minumum % wt: 2.

maxumum % wt: 3.

osha pel: 10,000 ppm
acgih tlv: 5000 ppm
acgih stel: 30,000 ppm