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Ar Pressurizing Agent Propellant

NSN: 9135-00-882-1793 | Model: M27415-1A
NSN Properties and Flags
NATO Stock Number
General Description
Composition argon 99.998 percent min.Water vapor 0.0000035 percent max.Total hydrocarbons 0.000001 percent max. Oxygen 0.000005 percent max. Hydrogen 0.000002 percent max. Nitrogen 0.000015 percent max. Packaged in cyl nsn 8120-00-803-4467 cyl is non supply item
Nondefinitive Specification/std Data
1 type and a grade

Parts List for Ar Pressurizing Agent Propellant  

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  •   ISO 9001:2015 + AS9120B
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NSN 9135-00-882-1793 Datasheet

Supply Class (FSC):
Chemical Base Liquid Propellant Fuels And Oxidizers
Cross Reference:
  • M27415-1A
  • MIL-PRF-27415
Cage Codes:
  • Military Specifications (CAGE 81349)

Y - Indicates information is in the hazardous materials information resource system (hmirs).


A - Item does not contain precious metal.


- Represents items with no adp components


- The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.

Freight Information:
  • NMFC:

    085880 - Gases/mixture noi o/t poison

  • WCC:

    634 - Cylinders, compressed gas, filled or empty

  • ADC:

    A - Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension.

  • SHC:

    D - Moderate sensitivity, category iii, aa&e, unclassified

  • ACC:

    F - Fuels and lubricants, including fuel and lubricating supplies and equipment and gases other than noxious gases.

  • TCC:

    G - Nonflammable compressed gas, un class 2 (nonflammable gas label; except: (1) oxygen which requires an oxidizer label, and (2) fl

  • LCL:

    Q - 70.0

  • LTL:

    Q - 70.0

NSN Management Codes:
  • SOS
  • AAC
  • Quantity per pack
  • Unit of Measure
  • Shelf Life
  • Classification Control
  • Repariability
    This is a nonreparable item. if condemned or economically unserviceable, then dispose at the level authorized replace the item.

Questions & Answers:

What are the historical prices recorded for this stock number?
Historical data shows pricing from $802.18 to $1,336.97..
Does NSN 9135-00-882-1793 have a shelf life?
No. There is no shelf life applicable for this NSN.
What NATO entities are users of this NSN?
Department Of The Army, Department Of The Air Force, U.s. Marine Corps, Department Of The Navy, Lithuania, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Greece, and Turkey
What is the NIIN of NSN 9135-00-882-1793?
008821793 or 00-882-1793
Does NSN 9135-00-882-1793 require demilitarization?
Yes - ITAR Controlled
What is the most recent solicitation for NSN 9135-00-882-1793?
No solicitations for this NSN.
When was this national stock number assigned to the federal catalog?
Jan 01, 1962

Material Safety



Ld50 lc50 mixture: none specified by manufacturer.

routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: efts of expos to high conc so as to
displace the oxygen in air necessary for life may include any, all,
or none of the following: loss of bal or dizz; tightness in the
frontal area of the forehead; ti ngling in the tongue, fingertips
or toes; weakened speech leading to the inability to utter
sounds;(see efts of overexp)
explanation of carcinogenicity: not relevant
effects of overexposure: hlth haz: rapid reduction in the ability to
perform movements; reduced consciousness of the surroundings; loss
of tactile sensations; heightened mental activity. It should be
recognized that it is pos sible that none of the above symptoms may
occur in argon asphyxia so that there are no definite warning

medical cond aggravated by exposure: none specified by manufacturer.

First Aid

First aid: prompt med attn is mandatory in all cases of overexp. Rescue
pers should be equipped with niosh/msha apprvd scba. Inhal:
conscious person should be assisted to an uncontam area & inhale
fresh air. Qui ck removal from the contam area is mostimportant.

uncon persons should be moved to an uncontam area, given
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation & supp o*2. Further trtmt should be
symptomatic & supportive.

Chemical Properties

Hcc: g3
boiling pt: b.P. Text: -303f,-186c
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: -309f,-189c
vapor pres: >-188.1f
spec gravity: 1.38
solubility in water: very slight
appearance and odor: colorless, odorless gas


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
hazardous decomposition products: none

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: do not attempt to dispose of waste or unused
qtys. Return in the shipping container properly labeled, w/any
valve outlet plugs/caps secured & valve prot cap in place to your
supplier. For emer dispos assist, cont your closest supplier
(seesupp data)
disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: argon
cas: 7440-37-1
rtecs #: cf2300000
fraction by wt: 100%
acgih tlv: asphyxiant; 9192

ingred name: sup dat: temp where cyls are stored to exceed 130f
(54c).Cyls should be stored upright & firmly secured to pvnt (ing
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: falling/being knockd over.Full & empty cyls should be
segregated.Use a "1st in-1st out" inventory system to pvnt (ing 4)
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: full cyls being stord for excess pds of time.Compress gas
cyls should not be refilld except by qual producers (ing 5)
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: of compress gases.Shipmnt of a compress gas cyl which has
not been filled by owner or w/his (written) consent (ing 6)
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: is a violation of federal law (49cfr).

rtecs #: 9999999zz



Ld50 lc50 mixture: none specified by manufacturer.

routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: no ingestion: no
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: argon is nontoxic but can act
as a simple asphyxiant by displacing air. Symptoms of asphyxia
include rapid respirations, dizziness and fatigue. Chronic: none

explanation of carcinogenicity: not relevant
effects of overexposure: see health hazards.

medical cond aggravated by exposure: none specified by manufacturer.

First Aid

First aid: inhal: move victim to fresh air. If not breathing, give
artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth. If breathing is
difficult, give oxygen. Get md.

Chemical Properties

Boiling pt: b.P. Text: -302f,-186c
vapor density: 1.380@1atm
solubility in water: 33.7 cm*3/kg water
appearance and odor: argon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
not applicable. Argon is an inert gas.

stability condition to avoid: none specified by manufacturer.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: dispose in accordance with federal, state, and
local regulations .

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: argon
cas: 7440-37-1
rtecs #: cf2300000
fraction by wt: 100%
acgih tlv: asphyxiant; 9192



Ld50 lc50 mixture: none specified by manufacturer.

routes of entry: inhalation: yes skin: yes ingestion: yes
reports of carcinogenicity: ntp: no iarc: no osha: no
health hazards acute and chronic: acute: inhal: simple asphyxiants: symps
of asphy depend on rapidity w/which oxyg deficiency devlops & how
long it continues. In sudden acute asphy, uncon may be immed.

w/slow development there may be rap id respiration & pulse, air
hunger, dizz, reduced awareness, tightness in head, tingling
sensations, (efts of overexp)
explanation of carcinogenicity: not relevant.

effects of overexposure: hlth haz: incoord, faulty judgement, emotional
instability, & rapid fatg. As asphy progresses, naus, vomit,
collapse, uncon, convls, deep coma & death are poss. Skin: due to
rapid evap, liq may cause fr ostbite w/redness, tingling &
pain/numbness. In more sev cases, skin may become hard & white &
develop blisters. (ing 4)
medical cond aggravated by exposure: none specified by manufacturer.

First Aid

First aid: inhal: remove from expos area to fresh air immed. If brthg has
stopped, give artf resp. Maintain airway & blood press & admin oxyg
if avail. Keep affected person warm & at rest. Treat
symptomatically & supportively. Administration of oxyg should be
performed by qualified pers. Get med attn. Skin: in case of
frostbite, warm affected skin in warm water @ temp of 107f. If warm
water is not (ing 6)

Chemical Properties

Hcc: g3
boiling pt: b.P. Text: -300f,-184c
melt/freeze pt: m.P/f.P text: -308f,-189c
vapor pres: 500 @ 190c
vapor density: 1.380
spec gravity: 1.784
evaporation rate & reference: not known
solubility in water: 3.36% @ 20c
appearance and odor: odorless, tasteless, colorless inert gas.


Stability indicator/materials to avoid: yes
none specified by manufacturer.

stability condition to avoid: do not permit physical dmg/overheating of
cntnrs. Contents are under press; cntnrs may violently rupture &
(ing 3)
hazardous decomposition products: none hazardous.

conditions to avoid polymerization: hazardous polymerization has not
been reported to occur under normal temperatures and pressures.

Proper Disposal

Waste disposal methods: observe all federal, state and local regulations
when storing or disposing of this substance. For assistance,
contact district director of the environmental protection agency.

store in accordance with 29 cfr 1910.101.

disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies):
this information is formulated for use by elements of the department
of defense. the united states of america in no manner whatsoever,
expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and
disclaims all liability for its use. any person utilizing this
document should seek competent professional advice to verify and
assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their
particular situation.

Ingredients List

Ingred name: argon
cas: 7440-37-1
rtecs #: cf2300000
fraction by wt: 100%
osha pel: n/k
acgih tlv: asphyxiant

ingred name: supdat: as poss. Avoid brthg toxic vapors; keep upwind. Stop
leak if possible without hazard.

rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: cndtns to avoid: travel a considerable distance.

rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: efts of overexp: eye: due to evap, liqs may cause frostbite
w/redness, pain, & blurred vision. Ingest: unlikely, (ing 5)
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: ing 4: but if liquid is swallowed, frostbite damage to the
lips, mouth & mucous membrane may occur.

rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: first aid proc: avail/impractical to use, gently wrap
affected part in blankets. Encourage victim to exercise (ing 7)
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: ing 6: affected part while it is being warmed. Allow
circulation to return naturally (matheson gas, 6th ed.). Get (ing
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: ing 7: med attn immed. Eye: if cont w/liquified or compressed
gas occurs, wash w/lg amts of warm water until (ing 9)
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: ing 8: no evid of chem remains (for at least 15 minutes).

get med attn immed. Ingest: if adverse efts occur (ing 10)
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: ing 9: treat symptomatically and supportively and get med

rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: resp prot: not exceed working lims of resp & be jointly
apprvd by natl institute for occup sfty & hlth & (ing 12)
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: ing 11: the mine sfty & hlth admin (niosh-msha). Any
niosh/msha apprvd supplied-air resp operated in press-demand(ing
rtecs #: 9999999zz

ingred name: ing 12: or other positive pressure mode. Any niosh/msha
apprvd scba.

rtecs #: 9999999zz