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5000E-23 Autopilot Attitude Gyro (Pitch & Roll) for Raytheon

Autopilot Attitude Gyro (Pitch & Roll)


Aerostar Aircraft (600, 601, P, 602P),Alliance Aircraft (H-250, 295, 395, 395A),Anderson Greenwood (51),Beech (Raytheon) (58, A, P, TC, PA, TCA,C50, A, B, C, E,JRB6, TC45J, D18C, S, E185, C45G, H, TC45H, G, RC45J, E18S-9700, G185, H18, 3N3NM, 3TM, 60, A60, B60,65, A65, 65-80, 65-A80, A80-8800, 65-B80, 65-88, A65-8200, 70, 76, 65-90, 65-A90, B90, C90, E90, B24R, C24R,35-B33, C33, 35C33A, E33, A, C, F33, A, C, G33, C35, D35, E35, F35, G35, H35, J35, K35, M35, N35, P35, S35, V35, A, B,36, A36, TC,95, B95, A, D
OEM part number Century Flight Systems Model 52D67M
Product date 05/17/1998

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