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LSM-500-006 Installation of a Boom Beam Taxi/Landing Light System for Beechcraft

Installation of a Boom Beam Taxi/Landing Light System


Hawker Beechcraft (33, 35, 36, 58, 58A, 58P, 58PA, 58TC, 58TCA, 90, 100, 200, 200C, 200CT, 200T, 300, 300LW, 350, A100, A100-1, A100A, A100C, A100T, A200C, A200CT, B90, B100, B200, B200C, B200CT, B200GT, B200T, B300, B300C, C-12D, C-12F, C-12R, C90, C90A, C90GT, C99, E90, F90, FWC-12D, H90, JU-21A, RC-12D, RC-12G, RC-12H, RC-12K, RC-12P, RC-12Q, RU-21A, RU-21B, RU-21C, RU-21D, RU-21E, RU-21H, U-21A, U-21G, U-21J, UC-12B, UC-12F, UC-12M)
OEM part number Modification Part
Product date 12/31/2008

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Other beechcraft parts in series: LSM

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    Installation of a Boom Beam Taxi/Landing Light System
  • LSM-500-019
    Installation of a Boom Beam Taxi/Landing Light System
  • LSM-500-027
    Installation of a Boom Beam Taxi/Landing Light System
  • LSM-500-042-1
    Installation Instructions, BoomBeam Landing and Taxi Lights, 60W
  • LSM-500-042-3
    Installation Instructions, BoomBeam Landing and Taxi Lights, 85W